Jewish Learning

Many Paths, Shared Purpose: Crafting Sacred Communities Together.

On Tuesday, May 6, we will offer 18 concurrent 90-minute Jewish learning sessions. These sessions will be centered around the theme “Many Paths, Shared Purpose: Crafting Sacred Communities Together.” This theme is based on the paradigm of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), history’s first Jewish communal project. Through this theme we’ll explore three concentric circles of Jewish life: the individual, the communal, and the national. We can achieve more than anything we could accomplish alone when we bring different paths together into sacred community.

The Jewish Learning sessions have been developed in partnership with JPro25 Scholar in Residence Rabba Yaffa Epstein, Senior Scholar & Educator in Residence at The Jewish Education Project.



See below for a list of Jewish Learning Session leaders, still in formation.


Sass Brown | Rabbinic Intern, Ammud: The Jews of Color Torah Academy

Lisa Carswell | Certified Zentangle® Teacher

Rabbi Jessy Dressin | Executive Director, Third Space at Shaarei Tfiloh

Rabba Yaffa Epstein | Senior Scholar & Educator in Residence, The Jewish Education Project

Annie Fortnow | Boston Regional Director, Jewish Studio Project

Rabbi Adam Gindea | Vice President, Program, OneTable

Erica Goldman | Director, Ma’agal

Rabbi Avi Killip | Executive Vice President, Hadar Institute

Rabbi Jonathan Leener | Faculty Associate Fellow, Pardes North America

Rabbi Marc Margolius | Vice President of Faculty and Program, Institute for Jewish Spirituality

Rabbi Deborah Sacks Mintz | Director of Tefillah and Music, Hadar Institute

Ruben Shimonov | National Director of Sephardi House and Education, American Sephardi Federation

Yoshi Silverstein | Founder & Executive Director, Mitsui Collective

Laynie Soloman | Associate Rosh Yeshiva, SVARA

Rabbi Lauren Tuchman | Program Director and Founder, Disability Wisdom As Soul Care, Kirva: Jewish Spirituality and Action for Social Change

Rabbi Mike Uram | Chief Jewish Learning Officer, Jewish Federations of North America

Kohenet Dr. Harriette E. Wimms | Executive Director, The Jews of Color Mishpacha Project